Thankful for Independence at Home

As families gather for the holiday season, we can’t help but think about all we are thankful for. Family, friends and health typically top the list. But what your senior loved ones may be most thankful for is their independence.
To help keep them safe at home, we are offering a special Thanksgiving offer. With the purchase of a new personal alert or medication management system from STAAR Alert, receive free installation (a $50 value)!
When visiting with loved ones for Thanksgiving, families often realize that the seniors in their lives are not as safe at home as they may have thought. Warning signs like mentions of falls, lack of hygiene and damages around the house cause stress and panic at the already busy time of year.
A personal emergency response system (PERS) allows your loved one to remain independent while knowing help is as close as a push of a button. If they fall, feel ill or have any other emergency, they can push their alert button to be connected with a trained responder at Life Safety Monitoring, our local response center.
Further, medication management systems take the confusion out of complicated medicine regimes. Pills can be loaded into special slots and scheduled to be dispensed at specified times. Some models can be locked, and family caregivers can be alerted of missed doses to ensure adherence to the proper schedule.
When you’re home for the holidays, be sure to take advantage of this special offer of free installation! Call us at 800-338-7114 to speak to a helpful representative today. This deal lasts through November 30!